Change in Service Provision of eConsultations from 22 October 2021

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We are due to make some changes in the service provision of eConsultations that we currently offer. At present, patients can send an eConsultation via the practice website at any time, 24 hours a day. Since we are moving towards business as usual, we would like to continue providing eConsultations however this service will only be available during the core hours of the practice from 8am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday.

There is out-of-hours provision in place such as the NHS 111 online which patients can access if needed (please click on NHS 111 online link to use this service). Our eConsultation service will not be available during the out-of-hours with effect from 22 October 2021 or soon after. This change will not impact or reduce the availability of appointments but will help us to manage the workflow efficiently.