FREE Slimming World offer

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12 weeks FREE Slimming World – Limited offer and spaces – January to March 2022

Would you like to lose weight to improve your health?

If you meet the following, you may be eligible for a free place:

Please contact the GP Practice as soon as possible, stating you would like a referral to Slimming World

Slimming World offers weekly group support to help you make gradual changes towards a healthy lifestyle 

The Food Optimising eating plan is based around satisfying your appetite with healthy everyday foods like fruit and vegetables, pasta, potatoes, eggs, fish, lean meat and chicken so that you never go hungry. It’s a long-term plan, not a quick fix, so no food is banned and whatever your favourite treat is, you can still enjoy it in moderation.

Motivating you to become more active gradually, when you feel ready, is Slimming World’s optional Body Magic programme. It works by redefining what is seen as activity so that anything that gets you moving more, from washing the car to walking the dog, is rewarded and counts towards your weekly total.

As a member, you choose the target weight that you feel happy with and are motivated and encouraged in hour long weekly meetings to share experiences, recipes and ideas with your fellow slimmers in a warm, supportive environment. Research shows this is crucial to weight loss success and, once you reach your target weight, you can attend for free. Groups are led by trained Slimming World Consultants, all of whom are former members and have lost weight on the plan themselves. Your weight always remains confidential and your weight losses and gradual changes towards a healthy lifestyle are celebrated.